The Inside Scoop on Collagen and Vitality

Hello Colla-Genie family,

HAPPY 2023-wishing you all a year full of glowing skin, growing nails, shiny hair, strong bones and joints, a healthy body and a life full of vitality (all from Colla-genie of course)

This month our focus is on VITALITY!

So What is the dictionary definition of this noun ‘Vitality’?- ”the state of being strong and active; energy.”

Collagen peptides will provide benefits for the following:

  • Sleep
  • Mood
  • Hormones
  • Focus
  • Energy
  • Athletic recovery

So, let’s understand exactly what impacts Collagen will have on each of these.

 The most dominant amino acid found in collagen is Glycine. This amino acid has been linked to achieving more restful sleep due to relaxation of the nervous system

Collagen supplements could help to boost your mood and put a little pep back into your step. One of the primary amino acids that are found in collagen is glycine. Glycine is known to increase your serotonin levels without simultaneously raising your dopamine levels.

Tyrosine the amino acid in collagen, promotes the healthy functioning of the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands.

Leucine and isoleucine 
stimulants to the upper brain and helping you to be more alert.

Increasing your collagen intake may help increase your metabolism by adding lean muscle mass to your frame and helping with the conversion of essential nutrients. Remember that retaining muscle mass is crucial as you age, since it helps support posture and bone health, and burns more calories.

Athletic Recovery
Collagen supplements can help to strengthen connective tissues and support tissue recovery after a workout
. It helps to support elasticity in the tendons and ligaments, supporting the muscles to recover more efficiently after workouts and helping with injury prevention.

You will notice each of these have a knock on effect as the overall vitality of the body relies on each of these factors being controlled.


Before anything, please find out if you have any underlying medical conditions that will need medical guidance in addition to taking your collagen supplement.

Our ‘Genie’- Donna is available to answer any of your questions- click here: CONTACT

Check out our delicious recipes here or stock up on Colla-Genie here 

Your ‘Genie’
Donna Leigh Kedar


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